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Classical massage

Classical massage is is used to relax muscles, in insomnia and stres conditions. It is beneficial in locomotor disorders, impairments of muscles and sinews, fascia, back deformations as well as post-traumatic conditions and post-surgical conditions of bones and joints. It is recommended in neural network impairment, digestive system disorders, respiratory diseases and reconvalescence period.

The blood circulation in body organs increases (by increased blood circulation in kidneys urine production increases), exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in lungs is improved, as well as internal breathing and thermo-regulatory process. The massage boosts physical endurance, sleep and central nervous system. 

It is applied mainly as therapeutical massage and in reconvalescence of post-traumatic and post-illness conditions.

The therapist applies pressure which is transmitted to the muscles in deeper structures. Tense muscles may be painful during the massage. Regular massage of affected areas is a good prevention of serious conditions connected with mobility limitations and flexibility of locomotor system.

Only 100% organic herb oils and aroma oils are used in classical massage.

100% St. John´s wort oil
St. John´s wort (hypericum perforatum) in massage has proved to be beneficial in pain of back, muscles and joints. It is popular for its deep nutritioning  properties of intervertebrate areas.

100% Sea Buckthorn
Sea Buckthornoil has antioxidant and antiinflamatory properties. It improves skin conditions, e.g. acne, ecyema, psoriasis. It replenishes the skin after radiation, burns and minor injuries.

100% Hemp oil
Oil with high content of unsaturated fatty acids, easily absorbed, which rejuvenates, softens and soothes skin, and reduces wrinkles has proved to be effective in extremely dry skin condition, acne, ecsema and psoriasis.

100% Coconut oil
Virgin coconut oil is rich in antioxidants, proteins and vitamins. It has gentle consistence and unnoticeable aroma. The use of virgin coconut oil in massage fastens metabolic waste carry-off, reduces fat, relieves tension and boosts blood circulation.


Aroma oils: lime, orange, rose aroma, lemon, lavander, honey


Detoxifying honey massage

Honey massage is highly effective detoxifying and cleansing therapy and is recommended in blood circulation disorders, joint problems, rheumatic diseases, digestive problems and migraines. It ameliorates insomnia, fatique and headaches. Honey has antibacterial properties beneficial for healing wounds, ulcers, oedema and inflammation.

Honey massage has double effect - body toxin carry off and internal organ activation. The massage is applied in three layers in combination with soothing warm poultice with peeling effect, which smoothes and hydrates skin. Hand massage technique together with honey applied on the back resembles  sucking- pumping. This detoxifying massage helps the body get rid off the toxins through the skin of the back. The traces of toxins are apparent in changed colour and texture of the honey applied.

During the massage reflex zones on the back are reinforced and the internal organs are stimulated.


Breuss massage

Breuss massage is manual-energising therapy focused on muscles along the backbone. It relaxes physical and psychical blocks.

Breuss massage regenerates intervertebral discs and thus solves wide spectrum of health problems. During the massage accupressure points are treated  - mainly along the meridian of bladder – relaxing the blockades and mental tensions enhances massage effect. St. John´s wort is used to regenerate and reinvigorate intervertebral discs. 


Lymphatic drainage manual massage

Lymphatic drainage manual massage  is a therapeutical massage boosting lymphatic system. Gentle soothing massage  enhancing the function of lymphatic system, which is directly connected with the immunity and excretion of metabolic waste,  beneficial for skin appearance, mainly cellulite and edema caused by lymph stagnation.

The massage is advised in spring and autumn seasons - to detoxify and in post- illness time get rid off metabolic waste. 

Lymphatic drainage manual massage reduces edema and cellulite, improves the skin appearance, its function, reduces fatique, relieves acute migraine, brings about "light arms and legs" feeling and eliminates calf spasms.
The massage is not recommended in certain conditions, e.g. tumours, swelling caused by malfunction of kidneys, heart problems, vein and skin impairment, high blood pressure, thyroid gland disorders, fatigue, right after meal or alcohol consumption, abdominal disorders connected to inflammatory processes and others.

The client must inform the massage therapist about their health condition before the massage.



Therapy is recommended in locomotor disorders, the pain of kidney, urinary duct, respiratory system, digestive system and to relax muscle spasms.

Cupping uses the linkage of the acupuncture meridians with the internal body organs. Heated cups are applied on the human. The result of the treatment is fast metabolization and  regeneration of the tissue. Ecchymosis (erythema) is common symptom in the cupping therapy.

The therapy is not recommended to clients with haemophilia, leukaemia, cancer, infections, varicose veins, vein inflammation etc.


Foot reflexology massage

Reflexology massage is one of the most effective methods in the alternative medicine. The pressure and massage applied to  reflex areas on feet improve metabolism, relieve pain in the back and along the backbone, enhance wound (post-surgery and post-traumatic) healing and prevent cancer cell formation. In other words the body becomes more resilient and balanced, one gains "light-feet" feeling.

The massage is not classical, the pressure is applied on reflex areas on feet. A system of zones and reflex areas reflect an image of the body on the feet. The possible pain when the pressure is applied indicates which organ or area is impaired, as the signal is transmitted from the reflex point to the respective organ. The effect comes immediately, which is appreciated in painful conditions.Regular massage of reflex areas aids general wellbeeing and prevents health problems.


Chakra-energising massage

Chakra-energising massage gradually relieves mental and physical blocks. The treatment boosts blood circulation,
relieves muscle tension and pain, increases flexibility, mobility, it aids in lactacid as well as other toxins release out of the body.

You will feel reinvigorated after the massage. Chakra massage harmonises the connection of functionality of individual organs in the body and regenerates nervous system. The massage cleanses individual energetic fields and affects the cells of all body.

Massage of problem area is supported by the application of chakra candle, lasting 15 mins.


Reflexology massage of hands and paraffin wrap 

Reflexology massage of hands improves the functions of all body organs and stimulates locomotor system and individual organs to work without any problems. It helps in insufficient sensitivity in limbs, boosts blood circulation and movement of digits as well as fingers themselves. It is a kind of tretment which reduces negative stress and energy.

Reflexology massage of hands is pressing of reflexology points and thus stimulating individual organs. The reflexology points on hands are not as stimulating and sensitive as the ones on the feet, but in some cases reflexology massage of hands is preferred. This treatment takes into consideration all physical, emotional and mental factors and the environment in which a person lives.

The part of the treatment is rejuvenating paraffin hand wrap which warms and relaxes muscles, relieves pain, boosts blood circulation and opens the skin pores. The results are not only mediacal, but also esthetic. It is beneficial in treating locomotor disorders, chronic rheumatic arthritis, in small joint problems and dry, chapped hand skin. 

Not recommended in open wound condition of the skin.

Classical massage25 min.30,00 €
Classical massage50 min.55,00 €
Breuss massage50 min.55,00 €
Manual lymphatic drainage75 min.55,00 €
Cupping25 min.30,00 €
Detoxifying honey massage50 min.55,00 €
Foot reflexology massage20 min.30,00 €
Reflexná masáž chodidiel45,00 €
Relaxačná masáž30,00 €
Relaxačná masáž55,00 €
Oxygenoterapia25,00 €
Oxygenoterapia50,00 €
Bemer cievna terapia20,00 €
Detská masáž25,00 €

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